"I have a dream."
MLK,Jr. invested his life, fortune, and sacred honor other over and over again to his dream about little white and black children growing up to care for each. We can do the same, if we will.
Welcome back to Pro-Empathy Freedom Voters are the Solution subscribers. Our 1st Trimester Zoom Forums began the January 8th. We will apply the empathy framing lessons we learn in the following two books: George Lakoff and Elisabeth Wehling’s bestselling book Your Brain’s Politics: How the Science of Mind Explains the Political Divide and David Fenton’s memoir The Activist’s Media Handbook. Also, consider becoming a co-proposer of the Empathy Surplus Network USA’s first model legislation for state legislators at the CARE Education Bill link.
MLK, Jr. Had a Dream of an American Ideal
Martin Luther King, Jr., had a dream that corresponded with the United Nations’ ideal world based on the core governing values of empathy for and responsibility to humanity found in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Preamble and Articles 1, 2, 29, and 30. Namely, strong, diverse communities of nurturing families that care for one another expand freedom from fear and want.

Consider co-proposing the CARE Education Bill.
Consider co-proposing the CARE Education Bill. Co-propose the CARE Education Bill by clicking on the CARE Education Bill link and filling it out. Or you can email admin@empathysurplus.com with your name, address, and zip code to identify your legislator.
CARE is an acronym for CULTIVATE ALL (human) RIGHTS EMPATHY. The CARE Eduction Bill proposes to make the academic standards for children in grades K-12 in each state of the union include the cultivation of empathy and learning about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. My friend and cognitive scientist Dr. George Lakoff recently wrote:
US human rights advocates have failed to protect human rights
treaties with the rule of law for more than seventy-five years. Progressives
must acknowledge that the “progressive measures” of the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) Preamble have not included
tried-and-true scientific methods of mass communication, prevalent in
billionaire-backed extreme conservative think tanks. Progressives have
failed to make our core moral value of empathy, the soul of democracy
and human rights, central to constant national public discourse on every
human rights issue with our neighbors. Nevertheless, we persevere.
The United States has yet to enable the five of eighteen human rights treaties that the US Senate ratified. But you and I can change all that. We can appeal to our centers of influence as Dr. King did. We, too, can persevere so that Martin Luther King, Jr.’s assassination by a white male conservative was not in vain. The “tried-and-true scientific method of communication” is REPETITION.
Cultivate Empathy with Diplomacy S.H.O.E.S. to Repeatedly Promote the CARE Education Bill
S - Show up at public and private meetings to cultivate empathy for the CARE Education Bill.
H - Help colleagues and neighbors cultivate empathy in civic tasks for the CARE Education Bill.
O - Organize friends to cultivate empathy in civic tasks for the CARE Education Bill.
E - Educate about human rights empathy, the soul of democracy, by promoting the CARE Education Bill.
S - Start over each day to publicly cultivate empathy with the CARE Education Bill.